Are you burned out?
We live in a fast-paced world where sometimes society can make us feel like enough is not good enough. So, in those cases we work longer, push harder, and do not take breaks in fear of failure and being judged. Working hard and pushing yourself are not bad qualities...
Keeping your sanity by establishing boundaries
Are you overwhelmed? Many of us are, especially if you are a woman. We tend to put more tasks on our plate. I recently had a round table discussion with several other women and we all cried out the same complaint. We are overwhelmed and it is mostly because we are not...
No Fail Happiness
What’s a surefire way to make yourself happy? It’s helping others. Yes, there are naysayers who will tell you helping others can be draining, especially when it comes to volunteer work as it may become overwhelming quickly resulting in burnout. But wait, do not...
What’s Trending
Before the start of the new year major fashion brands preview the coming trends for hair, makeup, and of course fashion. Last year was a major flashback to the 90’s and it seems this year will be similar. Bare faces, bleached eyebrows and heavy metals and metallics...
How to impress anybody during the holidays
It’s the holiday season and it’s our time to shine! It’s our opportunity to impress everyone from co-workers to our boyfriend’s parents. With holiday parties abound keep reading to have your most impressive season yet. Stick with the tried and true Take...
Sometimes the hardest choices are the easiest to make
I am really indecisive. I am so indecisive that if I’m going out to eat I will look up the menu ahead of time so that I’m not spending half of our time at the restaurant deciding what to eat. But there was one decision that was much more life-altering than...
What’s stopping you?
How to overcome the most common struggle that’s standing in your way—procrastination.
New year, new you
You don’t need to wait until a new year to improve your life. Start today.
Creating a safe haven in your home
Life can be stressful. Your home should be your safe haven from stresses not stress inducing. It may seem as if there’s never ending dishes or laundry…