Before the rise of social media and smart phones there were tried and true methods in finding love. Dating apps are portrayed as finding the perfect match by syncing up your interests or wants to another’s profile. Sometimes this method works but often it is superficial. There are also those who are using the apps to connect to others for hookups rather than relationships. This is a huge problem for those wanting a real commitment.

What is the advantage of using tried and true methods? A lot actually. Some things, like finding true love is best left to by interacting with another in an authentic, natural way. The most common way of meeting someone is through a mutual friend.

Mutual Friends

A big advantage of finding a relationship through a trusted mutual friend is this person has normally been vetted by your friend. There are just some characteristics of a person that cannot be summed up in a dating profile. And other times, two people seem as if they would be a perfect match for reasons you cannot quite explain. Some friends are better at matchmaking then others. It is also important to set boundaries with your friends if they are looking to set you up with someone. For instance, in my single days my well-meaning sister-in-law provided my number to several guys she thought would be a great fit for me. It would have been nice to ask permission before giving my number out as it was rather awkward telling them to please lose it after a few text exchanges. I met my husband through my best friend. She knew we would be a great match due to our values aligning but also both having similar senses of humor.

Hobby Groups

Perhaps you do not want to entrust any friends with a potential romantic relationship or are running into lots of bad experiences on that route. That’s okay, sometimes things are better when you do them yourself. Check online for local hobby groups. It can be an interest you already have or one you would like to pursue. Either way, it is a great way to get to know someone. An interest you already have is in tune to your personality and despite old advice it is not opposites that attract but more often those who are similar to us. Cooking classes, rock climbing groups or activity specific gyms, coffee shop events are just a few ideas. Another tried and true place to meet others is through single or young adult groups at a local church.

Reconnect with someone

I suggest this last way as finding “the one” with caution. Reconnecting with an ex may be a really bad idea depending on the reasons you broke up. However, sometimes emotionally immaturity or unfortunate circumstances led to a break up. If the reason was abuse in any form than it is generally a good idea to let that relationship go forever. However, you may reconnect with others that you were not in a romantic relationship with previously. An old childhood friend, previous co-worker, or even classmate may be someone you have interest in pursuing now that time has passed and your values or interests may align better.


There are definitely many more ways to find a potential, lasting relationship than these three. Just remember, before dating apps existed people were connecting. Dating apps do not need to be your only option and often times it can lead to an unfulfilling union. Sometimes it is best to get out and experience things authentically rather than through algorithms or so-called perfect matches.