Delayed gratification is annoying sometimes but it’s a good thing.

There’s always a new style or trend to follow which translates to more things to buy.  There’s that influencer you follow and all aspects of her life seem so put together which makes you want more. When you can’t afford everything you want, you put it on your credit card and go into debt. You may be satisfied for a little while but you’re giving up your financial security which is far more important than following the current trend. 

Then there’s willpower in the bedroom. Sex is amazing and many times a lot of fun. What’s the harm in a little one night stand once in a while? A lot, actually. The human brain isn’t equipped for a one night stand. The hormones released before, during, and after sex are meant to bond you together. If the connection is strong and it is only a casual relationship then there is a guarantee for emotional damage. However, if the sex was a miss then you can ensure you will be left with some regret. Letting go of willpower in the bedroom (or wherever) will forgeo a stable, healthy relationship. 

Abandoning your goals due to a setback. First of all, write down your goals so that you can be focused on where you want to grow. Then realize that your plan will probably not go as planned. You will experience set-backs and maybe even a bit of disappointment. However, do not abandon goals just because of a set-back. Abandoning your goals causes you to lose sight of success and settle for something less. 

So whether it’s financially, in relationships, or your goals delaying gratification and having patience is what will set you apart from others.