Keeping your sanity by establishing boundaries

Keeping your sanity by establishing boundaries

Are you overwhelmed? Many of us are, especially if you are a woman. We tend to put more tasks on our plate. I recently had a round table discussion with several other women and we all cried out the same complaint. We are overwhelmed and it is mostly because we are not...
How to impress anybody during the holidays

How to impress anybody during the holidays

It’s the holiday season and it’s our time to shine! It’s our opportunity to impress everyone from co-workers to our boyfriend’s parents. With holiday parties abound keep reading to have your most impressive season yet.  Stick with the tried and true  Take...
You don’t have to face this alone

You don’t have to face this alone

You missed your period, you take a test, and your worst fears come to surface because your partner is completely unsupportive. When asking women why they chose termination 60-70% state it was due to partner pressure. That doesn’t seem like it’s much of a woman’s...
What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you from achieving your goals? It’s you. You are standing in your own way due to procrastination in some form. Whenever I think of procrastination I think of the fable of the ant and the grasshopper. The ant dutifully worked during his summer while the...
The Death of a Beauty Queen

The Death of a Beauty Queen

She was a woman envied by many. A beauty queen, a lawyer, and a following of over half a million. Then on January 30, 2022 headlines of former Miss USA leapt to her death flooded the news. Her name was Cheslie Kryst and she was only 30 years old. Why would someone who...