How to love yourself while loving someone else

How to love yourself while loving someone else

We live in a time where self love is highly promoted across all areas of life. One area I haven’t really heard much about is relationships. At first the concept seemed strange to me. I felt relationships are about compromise and how it was fair to put yourself in...
Movie Quotes, Terrible Relationship Advice

Movie Quotes, Terrible Relationship Advice

The most iconic lines in romance movies tend to provide the worst relationship advice. I’ll explain why and don’t worry there will be no spoilers! “I love you, you complete me” Jerry Macguire A line that was almost left out of the final...
Sometimes the hardest choices are the easiest to make

Sometimes the hardest choices are the easiest to make

I am really indecisive. I am so indecisive that if I’m going out to eat I will look up the menu ahead of time so that I’m not spending half of our time at the restaurant deciding what to eat.  But there was one decision that was much more life-altering than...
New year, new you

New year, new you

“New year, new you” is a saying we hear all too often come each and every New Years Eve. People seem to think that the start of each year is the only time to revamp one’s life or make changes to it. Spoiler alert, if you’re serious about making changes in your...
The Death of a Beauty Queen

The Death of a Beauty Queen

She was a woman envied by many. A beauty queen, a lawyer, and a following of over half a million. Then on January 30, 2022 headlines of former Miss USA leapt to her death flooded the news. Her name was Cheslie Kryst and she was only 30 years old. Why would someone who...