When a woman becomes pregnant her body goes through many changes including physical, metabolic and hormonal. Hormones play a huge role in this process and can therefore affect many aspects of a woman when expecting. One of the big areas that can be affected by hormones is food cravings. While pregnant women can crave a variety of things including pickles, ice cream and even dirt. I myself craved Cinnamon Toast Crunch during my second trimester. Here is a list of 10 weird things women may crave when expecting.

  • Pica-cravings for non-food items such as burnt matches, dirt or clay. These cravings could be caused by an iron deficiency but the real reason is unclear. Up to 20% of pregnant women deal with pica cravings.
  • Ice chips-a lot of women eat ice like potato chips when expecting. Craving ice could be a sign of anemia so you may want to get that checked if you’re constantly munching on it.
  • Potato Chips and Marshmallows- not something I would think to try but it has the salty and sweet aspect many expecting moms crave.
  • Oranges and hot sauce- I understand craving oranges for wanting something sweet but with hot sauce? I’m not sure that is something I would want to try but maybe it made a pregnant woman happy.
  • . Ice cream and pickles- this is not a cliche but something a lot of pregnant women crave. Sometimes it’s just the pickles and other times just the ice cream, but some women may find it to be a tasty combination.
  • Tomatoes and icing- when I think of eating tomatoes I’m thinking more with a salad or on a sandwich but not paired with a sweet dessert topping like icing. I wonder if the mom who craved this had to have a certain flavor of icing to make it taste just right.
  • Nutella and licorice- now this is something I may have to try. I love them both separately and would not think to combine them but maybe this mom to be knows something I don’t.
  • Dark chocolate covered bacon- this one makes sense to me and actually sounds good! You got your sweetness and your salty meat. I wonder how exactly it was made but I’d be willing to give it a go.
  • Onions- just plain onions or whatever you could think to put on an onion. I would like to say I would never crave something like that but hormones can do some strange things to your body.
  • Bananas and lemon juice- not a combination that I would try, but I guess that would be a sure sign of pregnancy if I was wanting something as weird as this.

These are just a few of the many strange things women who are expecting crave. Some are normal, some are out of this world and some may mean you need to chat with your doctor. But whatever you’re craving while pregnant you can rest assured knowing you are not alone!