Infidelity a kiss of death on even the most seemingly blissful relationships. What’s the most effective way to not get cheated on? Don’t get involved with someone who is likely to cheat.
Here are five red flags:
He’s overly sexual
This can be noticed even if you are choosing not to be intimate sexually, there will be evidence of him being overly sexual. He may make comments towards other women in front of you or otherwise, this could be in real situations or through social media and other forms of entertainment. There was a discussion I had with a group of women about men following accounts of other women with a focus of sexy pictures/videos on his social media. It was unanimously decided that there is nothing good about your boyfriend following such accounts. He may also view sexually explicit material online whether you discover that on your own or he openly admits to it.
He responds negatively to a no
This may include him trying sexual advances on you and whatever the reason for you declining results in shaming or being mad at your response. This will also apply to nonsexual requests. It could be as simple as not agreeing on what Netflix series to start. He should value your opinion but especially when it comes to something as serious as when to be intimate.
He’s materialistic
He’s into the superficial over genuine connections. It’s okay to like nice things; it’s not okay to value nice things over relationships. When someone places value on material items over people close to them then they will easily see people as replaceable in their life.
He’s insecure
Insecurity breeds resentment. He may misinterpret your actions or conversations leading to resentment. Resentment may cause him to act out against you or find security in someone else.
He has an addictive personality or he’s impulsive
This can be observed through serious addictions with drugs, alcohol, or sex. It can also be shown through financial trouble. Either way, it’s indication of going after what he wants without considering the risk or consequence.
You may be able to pick up on these red flags after a first date or it may be months into the relationship. With any relationship, evaluating and going with your instinct on whether or not to continue it is up to you. No two relationships are the same and sometimes even those with a red flag may end up being a successful one. Relationships take work and they are never perfect but you reserve the right to being treated with respect and that includes not being cheated on.