We live in a time where self love is highly promoted across all areas of life. One area I haven’t really heard much about is relationships. At first the concept seemed strange to me. I felt relationships are about compromise and how it was fair to put yourself in front of your significant other. I just saw that leading to relationship problems. After putting more thought into it, I understand where there are times when you should practice self love in a relationship.

For starters you should love yourself enough to not let yourself stay in an abusive relationship, verbal or physical. No matter how good the good times are, that is not an area anyone should compromise on. Being single is far better than allowing yourself to be disrespected. Is your boyfriend abusive? Read more here: https://www.untangled.org/10-signs-your-boyfriend-isabusive/

Another way to love yourself while loving someone else is to stay firm in your core morals and values. These are things your partner should know and respect about you and if they truly care about you, they won’t try to get you to compromise on them. Just as you shouldn’t try to make them compromise on their own.

Don’t give up on the things you enjoy. For example, I’ve always been someone that enjoys exercising and eating healthier, my husband does not. I love myself enough to still do those things daily because they make me feel better inside and out. My spouse respects me for this and supports it, even if he won’t join in with me. It is okay to like different hobbies than your
significant other, as long as they won’t lead to problems in your relationship.
Relationships are about compromise and give and take, you have to make sure you’re in a good
place to be able to fully love your partner. You should love and respect yourself enough to be
treated with respect and dignity in a relationship. It isn’t selfish to love yourself while loving
someone else.