After dating someone for a while you start to think about where the relationship is going and what the next step will be. Among these thoughts, marriage will be one that probably crosses your mind. For some people they just know in their heart and gut that this person is who they’re meant to be with. But for others sometimes it isn’t always that easy and it may take some more time to realize this. So how do you know if they’re the one? Well here are some signs to look for. 

1)You’re comfortable around them. You can be your true self around him and don’t feel the need to pretend to be someone else. He accepts you for who you are. 

2) You look at each other as your best friend. You are each other’s go to person, you talk about the future, past, confide in one another and trust each other fully. 

3)Your family loves him and he loves them. He gets along with your family and enjoys spending time with them and vice versa. 

4) You bring out the best in one another. He makes you want to be a better person and he helps you stay positive even in hard situations. 

5) You trust each other. He’s not jealous of your guy friends or exes. He knows you and trusts you. Just like you know him and trust him and neither of you have to worry about a wandering eye.

6) He has a vision of your future together. He’ll make plans down the road or talk about marriage or kids with you.

For some, you just know if he is the one and you may not have to look for signs. But for others, it isn’t that easy so these signs are helpful to know if he’s the one you want to spend your future and life with.